Timeseries Analysis
Air Quality predictions

Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning Model to predict the quality of Air in Lagos and Nairobi

Water Potability
Analysis And Prediction

This dataset contains water quality measurements and assessments related to potability, which is the suitability of water for human consumption. The dataset's primary objective is to provide insights into water quality parameters and assist in determining whether the water is potable or not. Each row in the dataset represents a water sample with specific attributes, and the "Potability" column indicates whether the water is suitable for consumption.

Yahoo stock price
Volatility Prediction

Stock price prediction is the task of forecasting the future value of a given stock. Given the historical daily close price for S&P 500 Index, prepare and compare forecasting solutions. In this dataset, the volatility of Yahoo stock price is predicted.

Bankruptcy in poland
Volatility Prediction

Stock price prediction is the task of forecasting the future value of a given stock. Given the historical daily close price for S&P 500 Index, prepare and compare forecasting solutions. In this dataset, the volatility of Yahoo stock price is predicted.


Ikeja Lagos
Lagos State, Nigeria 100223




